편안한 쉼터, UNIST 생활관문화와 주거공간이 함께 어우러진 UNIST 생활관입니다


Registration of volunteer activities to offset penalty points

작성 :
관리자 (2022-12-18)
읽음 :

Volunteer work plan.hwp 내려받기

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The residence team wants to receive applications for volunteer work to offset the penalty points.

Please refer to the notice below for detailed application procedures and information.





The residence team wants to receive applications for volunteer work to offset the penalty points.

Please refer to the notice below for detailed application procedures and information.


ㅁGrants reward points to offset penalty points (1points per hour)


ㅁApplication period: everytime


ㅁApplication Type

-A: Find volunteer activities that can be done individually in dormitory, prepare and submit a plan (see attached file)

-B: Performing volunteer activities granted by the Residence team (You don't need to submit a plan)



-A: Emailing volunteer work plans→Examianation→Notification of approval→Performing of volunteer activities→Giving Reward points



-B: Applicaiton (Google form)→Notify the applicant whenever a volutneer activity occurs→Contact individuals on a first-come, first-served basis.→Performing of volunteer activities→Giving Reward points






-A: Contact email: kws0987@unist.ac.kr

Please send me an e-mail with the title of the e-mail as 'ㅇㅇㅇ(name) dormitory volunteer activity plan'. The selection will be contacted individually.


-B: Google form: https://forms.gle/FcuQ1kHs5sq4Sebd6